Thursday, February 5, 2009

Experimenting with emailing the pictures to the blog

I have just experimented with emailing the pictures to my blog as outlined on the Chooky Blue blog. It works so much more quickly and you can get the photos from Picasa if you want. It is much easier finding them in Picasa. Thank you, Chooky blue.

This bag happened to be an easy  picture to use to experiment with. I made it last year as I gift for a friend. It is a pattern called Warm Hearts Bag by Jennifer Knol. I bought the pattern at Candleberry Country a few years ago.

The back of the bag is below the front is above. I ended up uploading the front normally as it vanished!!! Oh dear, computers are tricky.

1 comment:

  1. I must try the Picasa site. I need to know how to make it that when someone clicks on my photos they are enlarged.
