Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Home Patch continued

Here is a quilt that I hadn't seen before but loved. I do love having houses on my quilts. This was made in flannels but would look good in other fabrics too. Just had to get the pattern!
Another favourite was this delightful quilt from Anni's garden book. I have owned and admired this book for a long time but haven't made anything out of it yet but after seeing this beautiful quilt in real life, I am inspired to make it. This photo doesn't do it justice. The fabrics used were so lovely.
Here we are in front of the Angels' Story quilt. This is Margaret, Anni, Audrey and Penny and me below with Anni.

We really had a wonderful time.


  1. Oh - I wish I was there - it looks beautiful! The quilts look fabulous! You'll have to come again with me for a visit!!
