Monday, October 19, 2009

Stitching update

I have been stitching lately and trying to get these appliqued blocks ready for the lovely quilt in Anni Downes' book, "The World as it should be". There are lots of flowers, birds and sheep to applique and, though I love the look of needleturn applique, I don't find it as relaxing to do as embroidery. I have one fish to complete and the house block and then I can attack the patchwork.

We are heading to Melbourne next weekend so thought I had best prepare some stitching to do in the car. I am getting this BOM pattern by Lynette Anderson and thought I might start stitching the blocks. SO.... I had to needleturn some more.
The pieces are very small and fiddly but the result should be good. I think I will piece it, eventually, with simple borders instead of the crazy patchwork.
What I should be doing is making up my Stitcher's Angel projects as they are due soon. Perhaps later today!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sylvia! What is bringing you to Melbourne this weekend? I can recommend two embroidery shows if you have any spare time - the EGV in Malvern, and the Tapestry Guild in Box Hill. You're probably got your time here filled already, but just in case...;-)
