Friday, December 18, 2009

Only a week to go......

I was planning to do some Christmas cooking today but I HAVEN'T! I am trying to do many little chores, like cleaning and shopping and today ended up being a bit of cleaning and another large shop and a little wrapping of gifts. Oh well, thankfully there are more days before Christmas. This is our first ever Christmas where we are staying at home and the family are coming to us. This is very exciting but means I have to think about FOOD! I usually do lots of sweet things and others do the meat and veg and salad etc! There are lots of things to think about and some very long lists.
Thought I would share this special decoration that Anita was showing me the other day. It is a bought shape and it is filled with lots of scraps of thread.... Anita calls them orts (I think) and we save them for her. Looks pretty good!
I have just finished stitching this little nativity, stamped using one of my favourite stamps, for a gift. It is a lot of work but worth it.
Here are a few more fused felt decorations. They have been fun to make.
Here is my almost empty shortbread tin. It was full to the brim recently! Should have made some more today!


  1. I love the ort and the stitched nativity. Sometimes it takes time to make something that special.

  2. I have got lots of lists to work on this weekend!! Made some 'cranberry and pistachio' shortbread yesterday - yum! but the tin is looking like yours, needs refilling already.
