Monday, February 8, 2010

A look back in time at some crochet

I have so enjoyed looking at the funny things we "oldies" used to crochet in the olden days on Lucy's lovely blog. I used to love to crochet and made lots of mad things....vests and ponchos etc. My mum was a wonderful at knitting and crocheting and used to even make us slippers. I have a half finished pair of her slippers in bright orange I should finish and wear in her memory. I also used to make things for the girls to wear and some blankets too. Here are a few pictures. I loved that sleeping bag Amy has on. The pictures are a bit grainy as I had to take pictures of the photos.
Can't believe my babies are all grown up and married. Aren't we young!!!!! I've got curly (pretend) hair! This was one of my favourite garments. Amy has on a homespun, crocheted jacket. It was so warm and cosy. Wasn't she just such a sweetie?
I also made this rug in the homespun wool. It is folded over a cane chair normally.
This is the granny square blanket I made in my 20's. I must admit we don't use it as there are quilts to use these days but I still quite like it.


  1. my grandmother Elosisa, used to make me little handbags that match to my little crochet jackets for mid-season 9autum and spring) i got some photos of cute!!!!
    i truly treasure those beautiful days!!!

  2. I love crocheted granny square rugs - and have three that I have bought at sidewalk stalls. Mostly done by ladies in aged care hostels; I doubt if the younger generation would know how to make them! They are so cheerful and warm. Quilts are the in thing now, and they are also lovely, but these crocheted rugs are something special.

  3. Your family photos look like pages from a 1980's craft book, the kids are gorgeous as are their parents. You really did get into crochet, I only hope that I will get the hang of it enough to produce a garment or two one day, or even a rug. Love the curly hair too!

  4. lovely crochet...Lucy's blog is very inspiring...makes me want to crochet
