Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stitching progress

I managed to prepare and applique block 7 of the Lynette Anderson's Crazy Christmas BOM before last weekend and then had it with me to stitch. Here is the finished block.
I am also working on my stitcheries for next month for the Stitch-a-long. Feels so good to be a little ahead as I now have kits to prepare for our stitching day on the Bay in a little over a week.


  1. Oh, how cute are those little stockings!!! Does this mean you've finished seven blocks or are you doing them in random order?

    Very nice work on both blocks.

    Regards, Sue

  2. These two designs are so sweet! I'd love a copy of the doggie - is it available online somewhere, Sylvia?

  3. Great !Lucky you! Lovely Crazy Christmas to be!! I have seen that one in real!! As Lynette visited us in Oslo some time ago,she had lots of her quilts with her. It was such a dream actually,meeting her and seeing it all.Good luck:-)
