Saturday, July 3, 2010

A little finish

Just had a busy morning getting ready for Ma and Pa and lots of family visitors for lunch but am ready now and thought I would post quickly as Blogger is working as normal again. I am also going out to a very special afternoon tea for a friend's birthday this afternoon and leaving my visitors to fend for themselves! What a busy but special day.
I managed, in between cooking and cleaning (why is that houses look OK but when visitors are coming, they look really dirty?) to finish this little felt decoration from the Quilt a Gift book. I am really enjoying making these projects.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sylvia, what a lovely blog you have. Like you I love the "Quilt a Gift" book, it has some beautiful projects in it. I know what you mean about the house looking okay normally and not when expecting visitors, such a pain isn't it.
    hugs deb
