Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stitching on the Bay

I will continue the holiday photos later as I need to share our lovely day of stitching in Batemans Bay. Fiona has some lovely photos on her blog too. I headed to the Bay on Friday afternoon and we set up ready for Saturday. Here are the kits and the tables ready for the ladies.

We then had a delicious meal just near the church and this was the view from our seats on the deck. I can't believe that I used to live here!
Here we are ready for the day.
Rebecca from Cute as a Button came down to the Bay with her wonderful Nancy Halverson goodies. They are just too tempting.
It is always lovely to see what the ladies have been stitching. This was a very special sewing bag.
Here are Martha and Lyn making the curly tails for their felt birds.
Here are some of the ladies busy stitching. It was a very hot day and I must admit that I don't cope well with the humidity these days.
Maree and Lyn did a fantastic job catering for the day. We were so spoilt! There were delicious scones and muffins for morning tea, a lovely chicken salad for lunch (perfect for the hot day) and the most amazing pavlova roll and lemon cakes for afternoon tea. There was even homemade chocolate. Fiona has put the recipes for the pavlova roll and the lemon cakes on her blog.


  1. Hi Sylvia

    Sounds like you had a great time with the ladies . . . and the food. I'm with you on the humidity - I do tend to wilt a bit!

    Regards, Sue

  2. Sylvia the photos look great! Didn't we have a lovely (although very hot) day?? Relax and rest now!!!! x

  3. i am so sad i miss out this time :>(
