Friday, December 3, 2010

Some stitching

It feels like it has been a busy week and it is Friday again. In between my normal activities I have been decorating. I love Christmas decorations but have so many it takes ages to decorate! I love it when it is all done but haven't enjoyed the process so much this time. Still, I am nearly done and have today free to do the tree. I do love seeing all the decorations again and it is nice to remember where a decoration was bought, if it was a gift or when it was made as you add them to the tree or place them around the house.
I finished these decorations this week. They are Nancy Halverson's and I have had the wire hangers for a while and wanted something to hang on them.

I have also stitched these and they need borders and buttons to finish them off.
I have also continued to stitch the Vignette BOM by Leanne Beasley. Though there is a lot of stitching, I have been enjoying it. Might have to leave the other border till later while I stitch a few Christmas gifts.


  1. Fairy girl got this book and a kit for xmas last year.........better dig it out and we can get it made for this year.........

  2. Lovely decorations, must really get you in the christmas mood.
