Monday, March 28, 2011

Stitching progress

Finally, I have time to post again! I have come home today after a delightful weekend away at the Bay with some very special friends....again! I am so lucky to have so many lovely friends. My Bible study ladies have a retreat every year at the coast and it is always great fun. Lots of yummy food, laughs, swims (for the brave ones as it was cool out), relaxing, chatting and some great stitching time. Sadly, I forgot my camera but will try and get some of the others' photos to share with you. While away the previous weekend, I had almost finished the first block of the "My Town" BOM from the Homespun magazine. Here it is just about finished. There are just a few stitches to do as one of the threads ran out.
It was easy to stitch on my Vignette blocks while we all chatted. It is almost done!
Just before I went away, the next block of "In My Garden" came in the post. I hope to start it soon.
I also couldn't resist getting the "Christmas Fun" BOM by Lynette Anderson. I enjoyed stitching the My Garden one so ordered this one too. Oh dear...I do have a lot to keep up with this year.


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Gosh you have been busy, I love seeing all your BOMs as you go!

  2. Hi Sylvia, Your My Town looks fantastic! I need to catch up. *grin*

  3. I agree, having Bible study ladies is a great pick-me-up, even when I can't go on such a retreat! I LOVE all your work! So fabulous! I think Hatched and Patched is one of my fave "cutesie" pattern designers.
