Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stitching day and 2 packages

Here are a few more photos of the stitching day. Najelle came with some lovely goodies from Hobbysew.

Here is one of the little wooden houses with blue window frames! Looks great and might have to paint one like that myself. It started a trend.
It was so exciting to receive two packages in the post yesterday. My blog book for 2009 has arrived and it is lovely. The pictures are so clear and it is fun to look over the year in this book. I am definitely planning to do one for 2010. It was ordered from Blog2print.

The other special package came from dear Lise in Victoria. She sent me this beautiful cup and saucer and lovely card for my birthday! Thanks so much, Lise.


  1. Sylvia your blog book looks great! It really is a great way to keep your blog journal forever!! Love the teacup too and the Hobbysew photos are lovely! What a great day we had!!

  2. I really do have to print my blog books too!!! Another thing on the 'to do' list! Glad the parcel arrived, just sorry it was so late!
