Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lovely old stitching and BOM progress

Naomi brought in some amazing clothing that had belonged to her relatives. Check out this amazing underskirt! It was quite old but in great condition.
This gorgeous embroidery was on a beautiful cloak. It looks like close chain stitch but may have been done with a tool of some kind.

Karen came in with her cushion all finished. Looks great, Karen.
I have been stitching, whenever possible, trying to keep up with my many BOMs this year. Do remind me not to attempt so many next year! I am loving the results though. Here is block 3 of "In my Garden" by Anni Downs.

I have also stitched and appliqued block 2 of Christmas Fun. These were fun to stitch but now I need to do the piecing!


  1. You have been very productive, Sylvia! I do enjoy your photos of all the work that you and your girls do.

  2. Hi Naomi's cloak looks as tho it might have been made in Kashmir. They still make rugs, cushion covers, shawls, coats etc using that technique, but not often seen anything that looks as good quality as that.

  3. The stithching on that cloak is incredible! You're doing great on your BOM's! :)
    xx, shell
