Saturday, November 12, 2011

Busy Friday at home

I had the whole of Friday at home this week and it was lovely. I did have lots of things on my list including TOO much housework. That last bit was mostly disregarded and I enjoyed a day of stitching organisation. I decided to get my next blocks organised a bit. I traced the Teahouse ready to fuse.
 I sorted the fabrics and backgrounds for block 7 of In My Garden.
 I forced myself into the sewing room and sewed together 2 of these for my Vignette quilt. I am still way behind but this is a bit of a help.
 Lastly, I appliqued Santa for the last block of Christmas Fun. All these projects mean lots of stitching but it is good to have them ready to go for when I have the time.
 Last Wednesday, Karen brought her finished church to show us. Doesn't it look wonderful. I think this is one of my favourite blocks in the My Town quilt.
 Lynne has her little Christmas decorations to sow us. They have turned out very well.
 Barbara came to work that afternoon and had her finished bookmark from the stitching day poking out of her book! Doesn't it look good?


  1. Lots of lovely stitching have inspired me to head to my room & sew!

  2. The my town quilt is gorgeous, it is lovely to be so organised do you can just grab a project and go

    Santa looks pretty cute

  3. lovely quilt work and the book mark fabulous!
