Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anzac Day and stitching progress

Yesterday was a holiday here in Australia for Anzac Day. It is a special day to remember the men and women who have fought in past wars and of course those who are still serving our country today. Many attend dawn services and march in parades. One of the traditions is to have Anzac biscuits and after reading Fiona's post, I could almost smell them. I haven't made any for a while and mine ended up as Anzac Slice instead. They still tasted good.

 Last week I had a bit of time and I finally finished the little pieced blocks for the last block of Scandinavian Christmas. I then proceeded to put the centre together. I didn't heed my usual advice to my class ladies of measuring twice before cutting and ended up cutting the Santa block too small!!!!!
 I wasn't going to stitch it again to added a little strip and will stitch a little heading there!
 I also managed to get April's blocks of SKOW together and made the strips too.
Then I became very motivated and started the sewing block for May. I am going away in June so hope to get May and June done before I go.
 In between I have been stitching away at the bottom border of the Vignette quilt. I know we are not up to it yet and I haven't started the centre blocks but I needed some hand stitching to do and this certainly has lots!


  1. you achieve so much well done Sylvia.........

  2. Wow, look at you go, all your work is wonderful, well done, have a great week!

  3. Hu Sylvia, just found your blog, it's so lovely! I love your stitches, thank you for sharing and for inspiration!
    Best wishes from Italy ♥♥♥

  4. I saw your comment on another blog and came to see your SC. Great way to solve the problem with the Santa block! I ended up re-doing the whole snowman block as I had used the wrong (too small) piece of linen for it. The strips to be added on two sides were only 1 cm so I thought better make it anew.
