Monday, June 11, 2012

Wednesday stitching and a little progress

It is always lovely to catch up with the stitching girls on Wednesday and see their works in progress. Karen is doing a wonderful job on her Quiltaid BOM. Here is her frog block done. 
 I just loved this little quilt on this almost finished block.
 In the evening, Danielle was working on these very cute owls!
 I have been stitching a little over the past weeks and managed to applique the very last blocks of In My Garden! I must admit it is a relief to have the applique done. Now I just need to put this blocks together and add borders to have the top done.
 This is what has amused me over the past week. I bought this wool last year at the craft show and thought I had best knit it up as I am going again this week.

Looking forward to seeing lots of friends at the show on Friday and it will be fun to catch up with the blogging community too.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of lovely projects there. Those owls are o cute. In My Garden is worth the effort - it's beautiful when finished. Hope to catch up at the bloggers meet Friday.
