Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gorgeous quilts and a little finish and little boys

Paddy and I headed to Tuggeranong on Thursday to visit Robyn with some quilts that need quilting. I took my Some Kind of Wonderful, my daughter's pieced quilt and Paddy took her beautiful stitching quilt by Lynette Anderson. It is always nice to catch up with Robyn and she had so many finished quilts to show us. Just check out these lovely quilts.

 This is a Blackbird designs quilt and it is really beautiful and I would love to make it one day!

 Robyn made this amazing quilt for her son. What a lucky boy.

 I finished off this little zippered case from Anni Downs' book, The Simple Life, this afternoon. It is very cute and will be really useful.
 Couldn't resist showing you a few more pictures of the grandies. Here they are sleeping together! I gather it didn't last long as Sammy doesn't look too happy.
Here they are all dressed up in big boy clothes to go out the other day! 

They just popped in with Daddy for a little visit! We have to make the most of these few days as we are off this week on our holiday. They will have changed so much in the time we will be away! We will miss them. I have started to pack now, the list is printed out and the stitching is prepared. Getting excited now!


  1. Sylvia, your little bag/case looks lovely.

    Babies do change so quickly don't they? I hope you have a wonderful trip.

    Sue :)

  2. have a wonderful trip Sylvia,those boys arwe so cute.xx

  3. Hello, you have a beautiful and nice blog. Nice days. Lenka
