Monday, September 3, 2012

Some Kind of Wonderful

Just had to get this quilt together on the weekend so it can go to my quilter this week! So exciting to get something finished....well almost! It is such a lovely quilt and has been great fun to make along with my stitch-a-long friends. Thanks to the members of that blog for all their encouragement.
We had a lovely visit to see the boys on Saturday and saw them again last night for Father's day dinner. They are so gorgeous. Couldn't resist adding a few more photos! Here is Benny.

 Little Sammy is growing too and they are both a little more awake and needing cuddles. What a shame!!!!!


  1. Sylvia your quilt is gorgeous,well done on a lovely finish and gee those little boys are cute.xx

  2. Great work on your SKOW quilt!! Always love pics of your gorgeous boys!

  3. gorgeous Sylvia you should be very happy with your quilt top........

  4. Your quilt is Lovely Sylvia and your Twin Grandsons are just Beautiful...

  5. Lovey pics of those gorgeous twins. Glad you got some decent cuddles.
    Janelle xx

  6. I forgot to say how impressive your quilt looks!

  7. That quilt is just lovely, really want to have a go but not sure what i would do with it! glad the boys are doing so well, they look so peaceful and contented, can't believe they ever keep their parents up at night!
