Friday, October 12, 2012

Cruising to Hawaii

We are home and finally able to blog easily! We left San Francisco on Thursday 13 September and then had 4 days of lovely calm cruising to Hawaii. They were lovely relaxing days of reading, stitching, trivia, eating, a few shows and just enjoying the ship. We arrived in Lahaina on Maui island on September 18 and were taken to shore on the tender boats. Lahaina is a lovely tropical town and we enjoyed the warmth and the sights. There were lovely shops to check out and it was a very pretty place.

 There is our ship in the distance.

 We visited the Hard Rock Cafe, as I mentioned before, and enjoyed this amazing plate of entrees! It was delicious. We were also able to check emails and surf the net, which was good.
 We walked on further and discovered this little beach. It was nice to put our feet into the water.
 In the centre of town there was a lovely square with these amazing trees.
 The next day we were at Nawiliwili on the island of Kauai. We took a bus to a resort area and then walked to this beach.

 We then went to the beach near where the ship had docked and had a delightful swim and relax in the shade of the palm trees. Bruce had a go on a board using a paddle.

 We were amazed at the number of chooks and roosters roaming free. I gather they used to use them for cock fighting and now many of them just roam freely over the island.
It was especially nice to be warm again after our long winter in Canberra. Mind is like the middle of winter here today! Just last week I was complaining about being hot!


  1. I bet you are wishing you back in the warm!

  2. Gorgeous photos Sylvia ... where is all the stitching you finished on the cruise???? I'm sure you had lots of time to stitch!! I went to Maui when I was 17 and stayed just near Lahaina ... I'm sure it is still just as beautiful!! xxx Glad you are home safely xx

  3. Love all of your wonderful photos and I am wondering the same as Fiona about all your stitching!!!! haha I am sure we will see it all on Wed arvo. Welcome home xx
