Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stitching and little boys

Finally, some stitching progress. I did read a lot on holidays but did enjoy some stitching too. I was trying to keep up with my many UFOs! I stitched another set of borders for one of the lower corner blocks of Vignette.

 I worked on about 9 of these stars for Scandinavian Christmas.
 For a break from stitching, I stitched this lovely scissor keeper. I made one a while ago as a gift and wanted one for me.
 I have put it together now.
 I so enjoyed the canvas work that I made this lovely pin cushion. It is one Fiona designed for one of our stitching days.

 I also stitched these pieces for 2 of the projects in "The Simple Life". We are working on the book this term in class so I need to make some samples.

 I bought this stitchery and the gorgeous wreath one recently and enjoyed working in my favourite red, DMC 221.
 Lastly, here are the precious boys. They had grown and changed so much while we were away.  We have been enjoying seeing them lots since we came home. Here is Benny.

 Here is little Sammy. He still has all that gorgeous hair!


  1. Beautiful projects. Have you seen vignette? You might want to take a look at pg 29 :)

  2. Wow what a change those boys have made! They are so so so adorable. I'm sitting here typing one handed cause my newest Grand is asleep in my other arm. Where is that Christmas stitchery from? Its reaaly fun looking.

  3. The little boys are doing so well. You got so much stitching done on oil days. I love your Christmas stitchery too.

  4. Good job with all your stitcheries !! I love them all !!
    Your grand sons are so cute !!

  5. Sylvia, for all the time you spent doing touristy things on your travels, you still got so much stitching done! That needle must really fly . . . and it all looks beautiful, too.

    How lovely to get back to the boys and see how much they've grown.

    Is the next trip planned yet?


  6. Gosh the little boys have grown. Beautiful work you have been doing.
