Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas celebrations

We had our family celebration on Sunday afternoon and evening. It was so special to have our little Benny and Sammy here for their first Christmas.
 These little chaps are looking at the football!
 It was a bit busy with babies and cooking so I didn't take lots of photos. I am hoping Lyndal may have some better ones to share with you when she and Nick get back from Melbourne.
 Present time was lovely even if the boys didn't have a clue what was happening. Here is little Sammy with his stocking.
Here are the stockings. Sammy's was already made but needed his name added.
 Benny's had to be made completely. Didn't get the names stitching until 11pm on Saturday night!
On Christmas day we headed to Sydney to see Ma and Pa and the little boys and their parents came too. We had a nice time visiting Ma and Pa and then headed off to Paul and Jeni's to have dinner with some of the family and some of Jeni's family too. 

It was a pretty busy day and these little fellows and their Mummy and Daddy drove home again that same night. It was easier as the boys slept the whole way. 


  1. They are such a cute little pair, but I think they will be very lively next Christmas. I love your tree on the wall with the handmade ornaments, such a clever idea.
