Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dijon continued

We did manage to get our car today and are now just out of Vezelay at Pontaubert at our lovely hotel Les Fleurs. But before I share today's adventures [on a beautiful, sunny and quite warm day] I had best share a few more pictures of Dijon. We had been told about the owl trail around the sights of Dijon. It was really a good way to see the city. There are little arrows leading you around and then the points of interest are marked as in the photo.
 I also finally checked my own photos and had taken this shot of a beautiful tapestry and the one below in the Musee des Beaux-Arts, with me taking the picture in the reflection. Not too bad for a little "point and shoot".

 We visited the beautiful fresh food market. So much gorgeous cheese, meat, wine, cakes, fruit and vegetables.
 As we were forced to stay in Dijon for another day we decided to visit the Musee de la Vie Bourguignonne. It is a wonderful museum with reconstructions of the shops and life in the early days of Burgundy. Here are the ladies spinning.
 One of the many shops.
 This is the hat maker's shop.
 I just loved these old wooden toys.

 We also visited the beautiful Eglise Notre Dame. It was actually worth having another day as there was so much to  see.


  1. Dijon looks lovely! What a pain about your car! I can't believe they took the booking even though the place was closed on Sunday, ridiculous!
    We are in sunny London having a great time. Missing you!

  2. Your photos are lovely. I hope the rest of your holiday goes without anymore little hitches. We are off on Monday and I am getting very excited now!

  3. Great pictures. Lovely to see the places.
