Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Not much stitching....a few pictures of the boys

The last week has been busy again. We had a lovely Saturday celebrating our brother-in -law's special birthday and also had Ma and Pa and Deirdre and Paul come for lunch before the party. It was very special as they were able to spend some time with the little men in between their sleeps. So lovely to see little Benny with "old" Pa, playing with one of Mummy's old toys.

 Ma had some lovely cuddles too but we didn't get a good picture of her.
 Paul and Deirdre with Benny....and a whisk!

 The little boys came to visit another day too when it was warm (as Benny has a singlet on). They are into everything especially Sammy!

The only stitching this week has been a bit of secret stitching for the stitching days and also some kit making. Looking forward to heading to Galong on Friday for the patchwork retreat. Perhaps I will have some stitching to share after the weekend.


  1. Gorgeous photos-those boys are certainly growing!

  2. lovely pics and i really love the one of you and Benny,grandies are sp much fun.xx

  3. Haven't they grown!!!! Great pics!
