Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cruising ....

After Wellington, we headed to Dunedin. Many people went onto Dunedin but Gail, Fiona and I just went into Port Chalmers. We used the wifi, had coffee/iced chocolate and just checked out the shops.
 I was wishing I had ordered an iced chocolate after I saw Gail's.
 There was a cupcake shop on board and Chrissy bought some cake pops for us to share. Yum!
 Here we all are again at dinner, stitching in the Windjammer and enjoying cocktails.


 We did enjoy some lovely stitching times. Jane, from Be Be Bold was teaching a gorgeous zippered purse on board so a few of us bought kits and worked on it when we had time. Here is my little Sunbonnet Sue being appliqued.

 Here is the applique all done.
I did manage to get some of my other stitching done too but it was fun to try a few different things.


  1. such lovely pics Sylvia,thankyou for sharing and love seeing you all have a good time.xx

  2. What a wonderful combination - sewing and cruising! Sounds like lots of fun.

  3. Such great photos, glad you had a good time, it all looks amazing.

  4. it was a most wonderful trip and thankyou for being such wonderful company! I enjoyed every moment! great photos too!!!
