Monday, March 17, 2014

Last few days in Hong Kong

The bags are packed again and this afternoon we are heading to the Volendam cruise ship to continue our adventures. Hong Kong has been very interesting and busy so a few restful days at sea sound good. On Saturday we took the ferry to Cheung Chau, which is a small island and is supposedly how Hong Kong was in the 1950s. It was interesting to see a quieter place.

 That afternoon we headed back to Hong Kong and caught the tram to look at a few other areas of the city. On Sunday we went on an amazing local bus ride to Stanley. It was very steep in places and the double decker bus went quite quickly! We did check out the markets and then had a wander along the waterfront.

 This band was setting up so it was interesting to listen to a little of the music. It is so different to what we are used to.
 The Hong Kong Flower show was on this week so we went on Sunday evening to have a look. It was the last night and there were lots of displays and many people. The crowds just loved it and there were many photos taken!

We had a little bit of time this morning so went on the tram in a different direction. It is so interesting to see all the different shops and the tram is a nice slow way to look at the sights. Not sure when I will be able to blog again as we will be on the ship. 


  1. Hope you have smooth seas. Look out for the young honeymoon couples that wear the same clothes in Korea!

  2. I stumbled across your blog while searching for inspirations on a quilt pattern for my grandaughter. Don't ask what path I followed ...I do wander a bit as well as ramble.
    The thing is my sisters and I have just cruised on the Voledam from Singapore to Hong Kong, we were disembarking while you were preparing to embark. The odds eh? Have a wonderful cruise you will be thoroughly spoilt. Safe Travels D

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  5. Hi D
    Thanks for your comment. Fancy you being on the same ship! We disembarked today and are in Osaka ready to start our Japanese adventure.
