Friday, April 17, 2015

Stitching and family

Karen was busy stitching on her lovely bright cushion on Wednesday. Looks great!
 These Yoko Saito Mystery blocks take a while to applique and embroider. Here is block 4.

 This block has been stitched for quite a while so finally sewed it together yesterday. This one will be for little Alice.

 Here is the little miss with the gorgeous crocheted blanket that her mummy has made! She followed the pattern and colours set out on the Attic 24 blog.

 I just had to share these lovely pictures of Ma when she came to visit us recently.


  1. Waow ! great job on your Yoko Saïto quilt !

  2. Your Yoko Saito blocks are amazing!! I can only imagine the number of hours they take to complete.

    And that 1,2,3 A,B,C block is so cute. I'm sure little Alice will play with it a lot.

    I've started a new Stitchery Link Party and I'd love to have you come link up and share your lovely work with my readers.

  3. Your Yoko Saito blocks are really beautifully done. So neat! They look great :) x
