Sunday, June 14, 2015


We are enjoying a busy weekend before we head away as we have celebrated little Alice's first birthday. The little men turn 3 in a few weeks and we will be away so we are seeing them for afternoon tea and gifts later today. Alice turned one on Friday so we popped over to deliver her main present and she certainly liked climbing under it!
 Alice's Mummy certainly did an amazing job of the cake! The fabric number one and the bunting looked so good.

 Alice loved all her toys are always a hit!

 The little men came to the party too and loved gobbling up these cupcakes. They especially liked the little silver balls on top!

 They had a go at blowing out the candle too.
I did do a little stitching for the birthday. This is a pentagon ball with a bell inside. It was great fun to make (thanks Di and Instagram for the idea).

 We have lots of gifts ready for two spoilt little boys but I thought they needed some new appliqued, long sleeved tops.

 Other than packing and organising some stitching, I have been having a go at this crochet scarf pattern I saw on Instagram. It is a little tricky but I think I am getting the hang of it. I want to take it away so wanted to check I could actually do it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Alice! She's so sweet. Loved the birthday cake with the bunting! Neat idea.
