Saturday, August 22, 2015

Shopping and walks

We did enjoy the quilts but we liked the shops too! Here is what I bought. Remember space in the suitcase is limited and our dollar isn't very good against the pound at the moment so a lot of things seemed expensive. I stocked up on some liberty fabrics and bought some patterns and some other little bits and pieces.

 Couldn't resist this lovely book by Janet Clare.
While we were in Birmingham, Bruce and John went for some long walks. Here are a few of the lovely places they saw.

After all the excitement of the Festival of quilts we had a quiet Sunday. We went to church and then had a lovely afternoon stitching! We hand pieced a block of the pattern Penny bought from Somerset quilting. It is a small block and a little tricky for novice hand piecers but we were pleased with the result. In theory, if you make one block per day you will have the quilt done in a year!


  1. I still haven't made any more, have you?

  2. I live in the UK, I also visited the Festival of quilts as well I have taken some pictures of the same quilts you have.
    It was a grat day out.
