Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Foxley Village finished!

I can't believe that this quilt is finally finished. Lots of binding happened here last week! I am just amazed at the beautiful quilting by my very talented friend, Robyn, of Plain and Fancy. The quilting adds so much to the final presentation of the quilt. Thanks too to Natalie Bird for the lovely design and to Tilda for the great fabrics. The pattern was a BOM in the Homespun magazine in 2016.
 Click on these pictures to see the quilting details.

 Here is my label for the quilt.


  1. Congratulations on your beautiful finish, your work is lovely!! I collected the patterns for this - plus some fabric - but haven't quite got started yet...

  2. Congratulations on such a beautiful quilt. Love your label. Happy Stitching.

  3. Magnificent effort, Sylvia, and Robyn's quilting sets it off beautifully too. Congratulations on a fabulous finish!
