Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Stitching catchup

I did get some stitching done on the cruise and since I came home. I did end up with a terrible flu for quite a few days! It was so very tiring and the coughing was awful! Thankfully I am fully recovered now. Here are a few pictures of the ship.

 There was a glass walkway and this is what you saw as you walked across it!

I kept up with my Stitch Therapy 365 blocks. I warn you there are a lot of them! I did number 50 today. This is a fun project.

 My ninth part of Here, There and Everywhere came a few weeks ago. Am finally back onto that one too. This part is two of the borders so there is a bit more machining this month.


  1. All looks great Sylvia .... its so good to keep up to date with #stitchtherapy365 .... at least for the moment !!

  2. Your cruise looks fab and all that stitching you got done. I love your new project too :)
