Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Gifts .....

It was my birthday last week! Getting very old but lucky to be healthy and able to enjoy lots of good things in life. I was spoilt with cakes! My study group had one for my on Thursday and Amy and the  boys made me one in the afternoon. I then had morning tea as well on Saturday morning with the family. Didn't get many photos taken but have lovely memories.

 I also caught up with Fiona on Monday for lunch and that was very special too. She gave me these beautiful scissors and a liberty hanky too.
She had also given me this amazing book and purse from her amazing trip to the Tokyo quilt show.
 I also received this beautiful necklace, shoe bag and card from Paddy.
 I have packed some shoes into my new shoe bag as tomorrow I am off to Melbourne with some friends for the AQC. Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday Sylvia. Beautiful family photo and such lovely gifts too. Glad you had some spoiling x
