Monday, April 20, 2020

Life goes on quietly

We are certainly living in strange times. Hope you are all well and safe. I seem to have so much spare time and should be tidying or cleaning cupboards but seem to be able to waft away the day! I am missing the kids though we do see them occasionally with a distance between us but it does seem very odd! We delivered Easter goodies and visited for just a moment at each house. Only managed to get pictures of the boys.

 I have been enjoying stitching the Love and Hugs free stitcheries. This is Gail Pan's design and the one below is Anni Downs'.

 The other job I had on my list was blocking these scarves. The first one is the Tendril shawl by Annie Design Crochet. It was a lovely project and the blocking worked so well.
This is another one of her designs and I crocheted it in 2ply wool. 
 This one is an old one but blocking it made it so much flatter and larger too.
My biggest achievement was finally sewing together this Stitching Circle basket by Lynette Anderson. I started this last September at the Stitch the Day away in Queensland. It was a big effort but I did do it slowly and paced myself. I am happy with the result.
I have managed to waste another morning really doing nothing much! Best go and sew a few houses!

1 comment:

  1. Crochet scarves look great, kids look happy, stitcheries look fabulous and your Stitching Circle basket looks wonderful!! Well done - perhaps we need more isolation time to finish off all our projects !!
