Saturday, April 30, 2022

This and that

 Where has April gone? We are now in autumn and even though Anzac Day is over we haven't even put our heater on! Very strange though I am not complaining. Here is a bit of autumn colour for you.

I was recently woken by a loud noise and it was this balloon just over our house!

I have been slowly using up my perle 8 threads to crochet this scarf. Good fun. Thanks Adrienne, for the great crochet pattern.

I have been also enjoying some slow stitching on these cross stitch patterns by Plum Street Samplers.

My friend Penny is so lucky. She is in France and managed to get to Nantes for the quilt show there. We were planning to go in 2020 but Covid spoilt many plans that year. Here are a few of her photos of the day.

I will finish the month off with a picture of the little miss. She is very excited today as her family has a puppy named Max.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you won't be far off turning the heater on........Must clean out the weekend is going to be very cold.......
    Such pretty colours in the scarf...
