Friday, May 31, 2024

This and that

 May is almost gone and today really feels like winter with the rain and chilly weather. Good stitching weather....or knitting. I am having the best time knitting the Timely cardigan. Doesn't look too good in the photo but it is coming together.

Last week we hosted a biggest morning tea on Thursday and raised almost $4000. It was a lovely event with 3 tables laden with goodies.
Some lovely show and tell from Wednesday afternoon. Roni has finished this purse, some cute pears and a cross stitch picture!

Beth showed us this beautiful woven purse she was given as a gift. 
Anita has also finished this lovely stitching bag! A great pattern by Natalie Bird.
This is the golf course recently on a misty morning.

Finally, one mad boy swimming in his new pool even though the water is freezing and the miss with a new haircut.

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