Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Embroiderer's Guild Exhibition

Sue and I visited the Embroiderer's guild exhibition on Friday. It was a really lovely display. I especially liked the WW1 displays of lovely old embroideries stitched in the early 1900s. I didn't get any photos of those. I am not sure I am really allowed to show you these ones but here goes. It is always inspiring to see all the lovely hand made items.

One of my favourite displays was this amazing band sampler which is huge and has the most amazing variety of embroidery. It also has many of the important events in the owner's life and also events that have occurred at different times around the world. This picture tells you about the making of the band sampler.


  1. All looks gorgeous - must have been a lovely exhibition!

  2. Hi Sylvia,wow thankyou for sharing,lots of beautiful work there,hope you have a lovely day.xx

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  5. WOW. Its a great idea to join this Embroiderer's guild exhibition.. This kind of embroiderer's guild exhibitions are useful for the inspiration and learning of embroidery digitizing for beginners. Thank you very much...!
