Friday, September 19, 2014

Some stitching, a camel and grandies

I have been stitching but the needleturn on these blocks (and these are the smaller ones) takes quite a long time to do. Here are the houses done on Block 3 of the Yoko Saito BOM.
This gorgeous camel was made by Heather and she has done such a lovely job. It is an AK traditions pattern. I just love the embroidered blankets. I am just starting one of these for me.

 Little Alice came to visit recently and I just love her little crocheted hat.

 The little men came too and had a lovely time playing with the old toys.


  1. Hi Sylvia loving seeing your progress on your BOM,its beautiful,lol love that camel and how cute does little Alice look in her hat,boy she is growing fast as are the boys,enjoy your weekend my friend.xx
