Thursday, January 24, 2019

A quilt and some stitching...

After Christmas, my daughter Lyndal and I made a quilt for my other daughter Amy. I must admit to doing less on this quilt than Lyndal but we still shared most of the jobs. It was for Amy's birthday and to replace her wedding quilt which is almost worn out as it has been used so often.

I have continued to keep up with the Stitch Therapy 365 quilt. These are fun to stitch.

 I also managed to finish my map of the UK and then put together block 8 of Here, There and Everwhere.
I will probably be unable to post over the next week as we are heading away on a cruise. From tomorrow our home will be on this ship! Can't wait! We are looking forward to being a little cooler as it has been so hot recently.
Image result for majestic princess image

1 comment:

  1. Amy's quilt looks great ... what a very special gift you both have made ! And I'm loving seeing your Anni blocks all coming together ! I have just ordered Anni's new quilt to do as a block of the month .... I just fell in love with the colours !! As I'm sure you will too !!
    Hope you are enjoying your cruise. xx
