Friday, February 8, 2019

New Zealand

We returned on Wednesday from our lovely cruise. It was so relaxing and we were so lucky with the calm seas and the weather. I did some stitching and crochet, read books and just had a relaxing time. Our first port was Auckland. We caught the local bus and checked out the Mt Eden crater and the great views.

Our second port was Mt Manganui and Taurunga. We hired a car and headed out to Te Aroha. Lovely scenery on the drive out and then we wandered around the town as this is where Bruce's grandfather was born. It was a gold rush town for a while and then became a spa town due to the hot springs.

In Wellington we hired a car again and headed to the Wairapa. Amazing scenery on the windy road!

 After we returned the car we walked over to the Te Papa museum. This Anzac display was so moving. These statues are twice the size of a normal person and they are real people that fought in the war. Absolutely amazing.

We also went to see the terracotta warriers (only 9 of them) but well worth the visit! 

Will continue with Akaroa next time.


  1. Glad you are loving your time in New Zealand. Love those terracotta soldiers. Haven't been down to see them, but you are right about the Te Papa display - very moving.

  2. Your trip sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing your journey with your stunning photographs :)
