Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Stitching progress...

A few weeks ago, Jayne shared her beautiful version of Seaside Town with us at Wednesday stitching. It is so special and Jayne has quilted it so well. I just love Jayne's fabric choices and those little houses are so lovely!

 I have been keeping up with my Stitch Therapy 365 blocks and we are up to about 265! I am still enjoying this process very much.

 I have also been working on my chatelaine, which was Anni's project from our lovely weekend away.

 I also like to have an ongoing project in the sewing room. This quilt was started in about 2007 and now it is being put together. It is Teddy's Garden Treasures by Libby Richardson! All the stitcheries were done in the year that I bought the BOM!