Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Back to school and exhibitions

 All the children are back to school now and the big boys are in year 7! It is hard to believe they are almost teenagers. Alice is in year 5 and Jack in year 4.

Last week we headed to Sydney and went to the Macchu Picchu exhibition at the Australian museum. It was amazing and especially the VR experience! I have always wanted to go there and have now virtually flown over Macchu Picchu. Ma came with us and did amazingly well with all the walking!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Time in Perth

 Last week, Lyndal, Alice and I flew to Perth and had a lovely time visiting the family over there. We went to several beaches where the water was a wonderful temperature but the waves were really rough! We also visited Cottesloe beach for dinner and then to watch the sunset and went to Hillary's too. We girls also had a very hot visit to the city for a spot of shopping. Mostly we enjoyed spending time with family.

Alice also went to a basketball match and liked the cheer girls the best.

We eveb caught the bus and train to town!